Over the years since my kids have been born, I’ve spent a lot of time thinking about the qualities we want to instill in them. Virtues, character traits, fruit of the Spirit. There are all kinds of ways to say that what we essentially want is for them to have the nature of God come alive in them.
In Raising Uncommon Kids, Sami Cone highlights twelve Biblical traits for families to work on. And by “work on,” she means parents have to do the hard work in themselves first. Ouch.
That truth is an eye-opener and a compelling reminder that my kids catch what I teach them through my own actions much more deeply than through my words. So, with that in mind, our family will be going through this book, chapter by chapter, doing the hard work of both understanding what each trait is and also putting it into practice through the practical application steps included in each chapter.
Twelve Biblical traits. Dealing with our hearts at home – Love, Harmony, Gentleness, and Bearing With. Our attitudes toward others – Forgiveness, Wisdom, Patience, and Kindness. And our influence in the world – Gratitude, Peace, Humility, and Compassion.
As we focus on looking like Jesus in these twelve areas, our family life will be richer and more meaningful, and our impact in our part of the world will be much more effective.
The world needs families who come alive together in the image of Christ. We are the picture of Jesus to the world around us. Let’s all grab this book together, and hopefully by this time next year, we’ll have hundreds of stories to tell about God’s faithfulness as we follow Him together.
*Honest review given as participant in blogger review program.