Art Therapy and Wedding Bells

Posted by lolamak on



Do you ever live so much in your head that you drive yourself nuts? I’m not sure if it’s an introvert thing or an artist thing or a girl thing or just a personal flaw. But I do know I am exhausted from being around myself lately. My mind runs non-stop. My insecurities and worries are running a marathon. And I’m pretty sure most people would be surprised if they knew how easily I fall into internal despair.

Depression and anxiety are no joke. Especially because they’re often invisible to the external world. So, in the middle of an extra long bout of melancholy, I decided to pull up my big girl pants and do something already.

Art Therapy and Celebration are a couple of amazing tools from my personal toolbox. Thanks to a good friend who asked me to write a sign for her wedding shower, I did a little of both tonight.

I am in love with hand-lettering, calligraphy, chalks, and signs. I’ve practiced this art form for a long time, and I’m looking for some classes and materials to up my game. All that to say, I see a ton of room for improvement, but I’m happy with my efforts. I’m happy to have that chalk dust all over my hands and clothes and small bits of chalk lying around and that satisfied feeling that comes when you do something you love.

And writing the words “28 days until” reminds me that my good friend Julie is getting married to the man she loves. She’s incredibly excited. God is showing Himself faithful to her and her man in so many ways, and that makes my heart smile. And when my heart smiles for someone else, a little bit of that goodness can’t help but rub off on grumpy ole me.

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  • Muchas gracias. ?Como puedo iniciar sesion?

    hpggxjunpr on

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